42岁Anne Hathaway生日完美演绎逆龄生!学习二十年如一日的冻龄保养秘诀
前阵子才宣布拍摄《走佬俏公主3》的Anne Hathaway,原来已经42岁。将现在的她与2001年Princess Mia的照片合拍起来,岁月真的对Anne Hathaway很友善,更甚是她已经是两位小孩的妈妈,不只脸没有很大改变,身型也很Fit,难怪网民都说她20年如1日,完美演绎逆龄生。
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「To every mindful, demure person here (all of you of course): thank you for the gift that was 41!!!!
And to everyone who has ever shown me grace: thank you so much for the help and space to grow✨
Hope to see you on a dance floor soon!